3M™ Water Filtration Products Cartridge, HF20-SE, VH3

  • 3M ID 7100017185

Provides better tasting water for a variety of commercial applications by reducing sediment and chlorine taste and odour.

Improves water clarity and taste for a consistent product.

Sanitary Quick Change (SQC) encapsulated cartridge design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs with a 1/4 turn.

Voir plus de détails


  • Provides better tasting water for a variety of commercial applications by reducing sediment and chlorine taste and odour
  • Improves water clarity and taste for a consistent product
  • Sanitary Quick Change (SQC) encapsulated cartridge design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs with a 1/4 turn
  • Various models also reduce bacteria¹ and cysts² (HF90, HF90-CL, HF60, HF60-CL, HF40 and 160-L), chloramines (HF95-CL, HF90-CL, HF65-CL, HF60-CL, and HF35-CL) for better equipment protection
  • Chloramines cartridges provide corrosion protection against stainless steel equipment and help extend equipment life

We offer the 3M™ Water Filtration Products High Flow Series replacement filter cartridges to provide Recipe Quality Water™ for product consistency and equipment protection.

The 3M™ Water Filtration Products High Flow Series line of filter cartridges, is sanitary by design to help provide contamination free change-outs. Additionally, the (SQC) encapsulated design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs without the need for a filter wrench. These filter cartridges help resolve a large variety of water related concerns that can negatively impact the taste, clarity and/or equipment used in a foodservice establishment.These models also reduce bacteria¹ and cysts²: HF90, HF90-CL, HF60, HF60-CL, HF40 and 160-L.These models reduce chloramines for better equipment protection: HF95-CL, HF90-CL, HF65-CL, HF60-CL, and HF35-CL. Chloramines cartridges are designed to provide corrosion protection against stainless steel equipment to help extend equipment life. These systems provide Integrated Membrane Pre-Activated Carbon Technology (“I.M.P.A.C.T”) for superior cartridge life (HF95, HF95-CL, HF90, HF90-CL, HF65, HF65-CL, HF60, HF60-CL, HF45 and HF40 only).HF Series Best Features NSF Certified Cartridges*FDA CFR-21 Compliant Material**Filter cartridges are o-ring seal typeFilter cartridges incorporate carbon block mediaCartridges are sanitary in design, requiring no contact with the filter media during cartridge change-out*3M™ Water Filtration Products Filter cartridge models (HF95, HF95-CL, HF90, HF90-CL, HF65, HF65-CL, HF60, HF60-CL, HF45, HF40, HF37, HF35, HF35-CL, HF30, HF25, HF27, HF20) are NSF certified under High Flow Series Commercial Modular listing. Model (160-L) is NSF certified under Plumbed-in, DWS160-L/160-L. Visit www.nsf.org for specific claims associated with each product.**Surfaces that are in contact with water are FDA CFR-21 Compliant¹As tested with E. Coli ATCC (11229). Tested and verified by manufacturer’s laboratory.² Based on the use of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts.

Applications recommandées
  • Permet de fournir une eau de qualité constante pour les équipements commerciaux de préparation de café et de thé


Capacité (métrique)

34069 liters

Changement rapide


Couleur du produit


Débit (métrique)

5.7 Litre per minute

Intervalle de remplacement

Up to 12 months



Plage de pression (métrique)

172 - 862 kPa

Plage de températures (Celsius)

4.4 - 37.8°C

Pression de fonctionnement maximale (métrique)

862 kPa

Réclamation de réduction

Goût et odeur du chlore, Sédiment, Inhibition du tartre, Bactérie, Cyst



Seuil de filtration

0.5 μm

Série du produit

Débit élevé

Température de fonctionnement maximum (Celsius)

37.8 °C

Type de filtre


Unités totales par carton



Filtration d'eau pour la machine à thé glacé, Boisson froide, Glace, Filtration d'eau pour les distributeurs de boissons froides, Eau de bureau, Filtration d'eau pour machines à glace, Filtration de l'eau pour la distribution de réfrigérant et la fabrication de glace, Café et thé chaud, Distributeurs automatiques, Filtration de l'eau pour les animaux domestiques, Café et distributeur

Hauteur totale (métrique)

39.07 cm

Largeur totale (métrique)

8.41 cm